
  1. C

    Proper feeding of Nigerian Dwarf wethers

    I currently only have two Nigerian dwarf goat wethers as pets. They are three years old now. My concern is what they are eating. They have access to Orchard grass hay on a continual basis. I also give them each a small amount of pellets and sweet feed in the morning and then again once in the...
  2. A

    Should I be concerned

    That a set of twins born 2/26 from a doe with really low hanging udders that they have a really hard time latching on aren't getting enough milk? The doe won't let me try to milk her to see, she has really weird udders too... I rescued her and wasn't going to breed her because i think she's kind...
  3. M

    Update on Lucky Bunny

    It’s been touch and go with his eating and drinking. Then I noticed some new behaviors. Shaking his head, holding his ears up. And a few nights ago, what appeared to be a seizure. It happened again yesterday morning and I rushed him to the local animal hospital. We are treating him for ear...