flemish giant

  1. Miss mouse

    Bunny drama

    Hey all! So we had our planned tan Flemish giant litter of four last week. Then the next day our 4 month old black female unexpectedly gave us 7 more! She must of gotten pregnant right before we broke up the litter at 3 months! And the litter’s next door neighbour was my California females. We...
  2. GypsyG

    What breed - Flemish or Giant Chinchilla?

    Yesterday I did a thing. I brought home two new rabbits. I most definitely did not need two new rabbits, but they were so pretty I couldn't resist. The lady told me that they are Flemish Giant, and the biggest one is bigger than the sandy Flemish doe I already have... But the ear size and...
  3. B

    Flemish Rabbit Breeders in Arizona?

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows where I could purchase a flemish giant rabbit in Arizona? We are looking to get one as a pet. Preferably a younger rabbit, as I would like to handle it while its young so that it has opportunity to adjust to our family.