
  1. Larsen Poultry Ranch

    Two litters, foster or not?

    Hey all, I had this problem last year (May/June) and I know it was caused by heat but I didn't think it has been hot enough yet to have to worry about heat issues. My doe Paprika had 6 kits yesterday 3/31/20 and I barely peeked at the nest last night, just enough to know she had some wiggly...
  2. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Pics of the kittens I fostered!

    This is sort of a hobby...I guess. I like to help my local pet shelter every year and foster a mama cat and her kittens. I just wanted to share some of the cutest pictures I took of my latest litter. So watch out for some cuteness! :love Here is mama and all the kittens squeezed into a box...
  3. shepherdO

    SUCCESS! Yes!

    Okay, so this might not seem earth-changing, but after bottle-feeding a reject triplet for the last 11 days it's good news to me! So on Saturday evening my Rambouillet Bonnie gave birth to a big dead ewe and a tiny weakling ramlamb who's just holding on by the skin of his teeth three days in...
  4. Gabby

    [NC] Sweet little doeling needs a heated home, fast!

    Hello members of BYH! I have a sweet little doeling that's struggling in this cold weather. She is some sort of a nubian cross that was given to me by my grandfather, along with several other goats, shortly before he passed away. Bitsy is the sweetest little girl ever, who loves cuddles...
  5. promiseacres

    Would you foster kits?

    Ok. I had 3 does Kindle between 5 pm last night and 11 am this morning. First timer with 8, am leaving her be with her 8. An experienced doe (but not with me) with 6 and an experienced doe who has litter #3 for me has 10. Last May this doe had a litter of 11 and she did loose 2. So was...