goat abscess lump on cheek

  1. C

    Goat health

    I have a small herd of 5 goats. 3 are from one farm and 2 from another. They have started to develop facial infections that present as a swollen lump and eventually reabsorb but sometimes break open and begin to drain. The drainage is white to clear. So far they seem to heal fine. I do not want...
  2. Seth Davidson

    Need some advise on Lumps/Abscesses on my goat

    I purchased a goat recently that has no horns. Most of my herd has horns and they are a bit mean to her (she's the new kid in school). After a few days she developed a lump on her cheek. I initially thought it was cud retention or she took a horn to the face because it went away after a few...