i dont really know what im doing at this point


    Sweet result of doing nothing 🤣

    So, yesterday I was freaking out about my new chick hatching 🐣 and @Baymule @Beekissed @Tre3hugger @messybun all were very helpful.They all said one thing: DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THE CHICK WHILE HATCHING IS IN PROGRESS!!!! Except @messybun who is very kind and seems to be just as wise. ❤️ Anyway...
  2. Kaiote

    Hello From SLC

    So not gonna lie, when it asked for verification by 3 letter milk giving animal I sat there going, "i don't have a cow" for like four minutes. And that's basically my introduction ^_^ On a rather less silly note, Hi. I'm new to the whole livestock thing and BYC has helped me so much with...