summary is at the bottom
Hello for the California part of the Mojave Desert. So just a brief intro my husband and I bought a three acre property out in the desert about a twenty minute drive away from a big traveling pit stop on the way to Vegas. We love animals and livestock and have cared for...
Wonderful view on husbandry and one that I share:
Greg Judy on parasite resistant sheep, not deworming livestock, graining sheep vs. grass fed sheep, etc. His portion of the vid is a little ways into it.
What kinds...
....anyone doing it?
Through the Lord's leading, I had started some of these methods over the years and even here recently (found, by God's design, how much seed and fertilizer there is in mulch hay and started scavenging for it to spread on this nutrient poor soil)without having knowledge...
After a year with no problems, I believe I have another bobcat in my area. I set a trap last night and didn't get it. (I have successfully trapped in the past) Will try until I get it, but I think the better long term plan is finding a couple Livestock guardian dogs. I have goat kids on the...
Goats or sheep? Which do you prefer and why? And what are some potential uses of each? Know about some of the more obvious uses but curious to hear your thoughts/the less obvious ones.
Does anyone have recommendations on tattoos? I like the way the "gun" looks compared to the "stamp" ones. But i have no idea on price or what is actually best for our needs. I would love some opinions on the different types. And then comes the size. We have silver foxes so there ears a pretty...
Found this excellent Web site for animal health requirements going from state to state based on species, thought I would share...
I have a year round creek on my land and i am interested in pumping the water up the property to tanks, which can then be distributed to the animals or whatever else I'll use it for. I have looked into these solar direct pumps and they seem like a pretty cool option. I have to pump the water...
Not sure I am able to do much as Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas &Colorado farmers are being evacuated and losing everything to the wild fires. :( But am praying for them. Please join me on this thread to lift up the victims. I can not imagine.
Greetings from AZ! The name is Quimby and I am currently raising rabbits and chickens. But I plan on raising a lot more! Goats, quail, and maybe a duck or two. I just-so-happen to be thirteen in doing so. I am in a tag team with my dad and we handle chores on our half acre homestead! Forgive me...