So, we attempted to separate our ram-lambs recently but it didn't work for two reasons.
First, they kept escaping through the electric fence. That we could probably fix.
However, we also noticed that ewes' udders were staying pretty full and were concerned about mastitis becoming a problem...
We had a goat give birth during an ice storm. We were not there for the birth itself bc she gave very little notice but it was so cold her kid he could not nurse. She was a first time mom and was unsure about the whole process.
We ended up having to bring him inside to bottle feed and warm him...
Please help me out! I’ve only been milking my goats for about 2 months, and I’m having a rough go at it. I must be doing something wrong!
Goat#1 : developed a hard mass in one udder overnight. The soft/normal side dropped significantly in production, and on the hard side I could only get a few...
So this is my first time weaning kids off the does. Last year I only had one bred doe and let her keep one kid to wean herself but I'm not planning on keeping any kids this year. I know how to milk but I don't milk, especially as a routine (I keep meat goats but my does have Nubian in them), so...
The Long Background Story: My ewe Dora had a very bad form of mastitis last year that she developed just before she lambed. We caught it very early and she was able to produce enough milk to raise her lamb by herself. However, the vet warned that she could have problems in the future. We were...