meat goats

  1. MargaretClare

    Weaning kids off doe, tips?

    So this is my first time weaning kids off the does. Last year I only had one bred doe and let her keep one kid to wean herself but I'm not planning on keeping any kids this year. I know how to milk but I don't milk, especially as a routine (I keep meat goats but my does have Nubian in them), so...
  2. Ackthecat

    Breeding an Oberhasli with Boer buck

    I have an Oberhasli that I need to refresh and am not sure that I can find another Oberhasli in my area to breed her with. I was wondering if I could breed her to a Boer billy and still get some good milking or meat goats from this mix? I do want to raise Boers in the future and my husband says...