nigerian dwarfs

  1. Limonade Ranch

    Limonade Ranch - Starting our herd

    Here is a little introduction about us. Our children are in 4-H and wanted to show goats and use milk to make products to sell to raise money for camp and other 4-H things they love to do. Last week we were gifted a 3 yr old Nigerian Dwarf buck (Mr. Buckey) from another 4-H member who has...
  2. GoatiePal


    Hi~ I'm new to all this, so not sure how it works. I have a peculiar goat issue for which I'm seeking advice. I recently became keeper and buddy of two Nigerian Dwarfs, Moe and Bentley. About a month ago, I noticed Bentley wasn't as 'wethered' looking as Moe. Bent began showing his penis...