
  1. Miranda Kurucz

    From kids to full grown -- post your before and after shots

    Curious to see the changes that occurred in all the goats out there from kid to adult. I have been on the long haul wait (since October!) for kids, and now my two wethers come home early June. I have been reading through the articles and forums, and now I'm ready for more pictures of all the...
  2. Ferguson K

    Because, photography! ( pic heavy )

    Okay. I've realized I've been flooding my BYH page with too many pictures... of unrelated things. ;) SO! Here we go. A photography page of things just because.
  3. Chicken Girl

    What is this animal thinking?

    Just post a picture(s) of your animal(s) and people will caption them! :caf What is badger the SLW thinking?