pink eye

  1. C

    Sheep Illness

    I’ve had one of my ewes exhibiting some sick-like behaviors. It’s my first year with my flock of 7. (3 lambs, 3 ewes and one ram.) We got our ram early in October, he was in by Oct 17 and marked 2/3 of my ewes right away. Didn’t remark them after that. Around 11/23, one of my ewes was slower to...
  2. shepherdO

    Pinkeye and Possible Blindness?

    Okay, I spend a lot of time with my sheep on a daily basis, and I typically notice everything about them. I don't know HOW, but I seem to have missed a case of pinkeye or something similar. I just noticed it this morning when Sabine was lagging behind the rest of the flock when we took them to...
  3. shepherdO

    Help me understand Pinkeye, Chlamydia, Abortion, et al.

    I'm in my second year of the sheep game, and this year I have 8 pregnant ewes. All took with first cycle exposure to my young (now 9 months) ram - yes! They were all bred between Sept 30 and Oct. 21st, making them between and 3.5 - 6.5 weeks pregnant at the moment. However, one of my ewes had...
  4. GAF

    Watery eye

    One of the Bucks has had a watery eye for maybe a month. His eye is not red or cloudy. What should I do? Does he need oxytrecaline? Maybe just allergies?