
  1. shepherdO

    URGENT info needed re: how to encourage MILK production!

    Hi all, As I just posted in my post re: Nibbles and her quads, she 'miraculously' came back to life after essentially being a goner. She now won't let me take the lambs away from her - if I do she races around, and ignores her feed completely. At least with her lambs there she'll eat a bit...
  2. shepherdO

    Nibbles had Quads again! Help needed re: LETHARGY...

    After almost a week of intermittent labour, Nibbles the Katahdin had quads unassisted. I walked into the shed this morning to the sight of 2 ram lambs (4.5 and 5 lbs) and 2 ewe lambs (2 and 3.75 lbs). Super cute and lively as heck. Gotta love katahdins... Anyhoo, ewe has a huge udder, but is...