
  1. S

    Help!! Ram lethargic drooling

    My ram just turned one. Noticed today he is lethargic with ears hanging down and hunched over head down. He won’t eat but was at the drinker drinking for 10 mins. He isn’t exactly steady on his feet, or more so just walking slow and uncomfortably. Checked my shed camera playback, last night he...
  2. F

    Babydoll cross outcome?

    Hey everyone! I’m buying a new ram this year and have found a babydoll cross ram lamb. His dad is baby doll and mom is crossbreed (looks like maybe some Dorset in her, she’s pure white) . What I’m wondering is if I breed this ram lamb to my ewes who are not small by any means, will the lambs be...
  3. M

    Blood in ram sheath

    Today one of our ewes broke out of the pasture when someone left a gate loose. (He who shall go unnamed) She ram up to the ram pen and in order to catch her, we let her into their pen. When our new ram saw her, he immediately proceeded to mount her. Her back end became bloody. We checked the ewe...
  4. M

    Ram breeding pregnant ewes?

    I have 5 ewe lambs and one ram. The ewes were born end of February 2020 and the ram end of January 2020. The ram went in with the ewes on October 13, 2020. After 2 heat cycles it appeared all of the ewes were bred as they didn't go back into heat. I left the ram in with the ewes so that he...
  5. Childwanderer

    TX - Gulf Coast Ram (no longer available)

    TX, near Houston. GCN intact ram born 1/31/2019 available for sale. Twin, polled, sired by a registered ram, pictured beside him below. This sweetheart (we call him Chesterton) loves chin-scratchings. His father is a good-tempered registered GCN who peaceably stays with the ewes year-round...
  6. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    ...and loving it! Getting back into sheep in a small way and need a place to journal about it all. Starting again with Katahdins, my fave breed, and will keep a very small herd of one full time ram, a wether and a few ewes until I see what my pasture can support. Won't have the wether until...
  7. shepherdO

    Terminal Sire Decision: Single or Twin?

    Hi all, I'm in the process of choosing a ram for my flock of commercial ewes. There's a great Texel farm locally which I visited, and was astounded by the quality animals there. Anyhoo, I'm looking to purchase one of their young rams to use as my new breeding ram in the fall. The one that...
  8. shp123

    katahdin breeding

    Hi all, this is my first post on this site. We are new sheep owners with no prior experience. We added a small herd of 4 katahdin to our homestead just before Christmas, 3 ewes and a ram. Two of the ewes have given birth to two female lambs. We are expecting the big ewe to birth twins. All...
  9. shepherdO

    Should I keep a ram year-round?

    Okay, so I need some help making a decision. I currently have a ram that I bought this fall for breeding. He's a nice Shropshire over Texel. Not huge, but nicely built, as far as I can tell (not an expert). He bred all my ewes (9) without a problem, and all took within the first cycle (all...
  10. WindyIndy

    OK, I have another one...

    ... Sorry everyone but I have another ram. I know the pic is a bad one but it's the only one I have. Do you all think he's a katahdin? Owner thinks he is but no papers to prove it
  11. Matt n Lee

    Sheep Shenanigans

    Just a little fun in the morning with the sheep. They are such great homestead animals. We love them! Also if any of this stuff on our channel interests you please like/subscribe/share it really means the world to us and the channel. :)
  12. Matt n Lee

    The Randy Ram

    Some excitement with the flock :) Enjoy
  13. Matt n Lee

    Mike the ram meats the new girls

    Hello all, Just wanted to post a little video to introduce ourselves. We have been on backyard chickens for some time now, but with our Katahdin flock growing we thought we would jump over here and say hello :)
  14. MiniBarnFarm


    I already have 1 wether, he's my not so little baby boy, and also have 3 ewe's - in a couple of days I have the chance to look through a friends herd of newly weaned lambs I really want another boy, I find them more friendly I just can't help but worry about the first wether's thoughts on having...
  15. Grumblebeast

    Will wethering calm an adult ram?

    Short Question: Will wethering calm an adult ram? Long Story: We have a ram, Ollie, who’s about a year old now. He was a bottle baby and our first sheep. In spite of our best efforts we made mistakes in handling him while he was a wee thing. He was sort of raised as if he were a hybrid between...