shetland sheep

  1. Tapsmom

    Shetland Sheep in New England

    We have 2 ewes and are looking to breed them. We do not want to own a ram, but didnt know if there are any breeders in New England that offer breeding services?
  2. T

    Questions about shetland sheep

    Hello I’ve been lurking around for a while but this is my first time posting. I’m thinking of getting 2 or 3 Shetland ewes in the next year and have questions First, I live in the city legally I can keep miniature livestock, including Shetland sheep, but I live on a 5,000 sq foot lot would that...
  3. KellyK

    B. C. P. Journal

    Shetland Sheep We have 4 Ewes and 1 Ram. So far we have 6 lambs. 5 ewe lambs and 1 ram lamb. We have one more Ewe to go. Not sure she is even pregnant. She could be as the first one to lamb this year did not look pregnant. She was a bit of a shock to find lambs as early as we did. Our Ram...
  4. tdurant


    So here is an odd situation that maybe some of you have experienced. I have a hermie sheep. She/he will be going to the sale barn at the end of summer because she has no purpose on the farm since she cannot breed, her wool is awful, and she is becoming aggressive. This lamb was born a Shetland...