
  1. Oliver's herd

    Toxic or not?

    I see conflicting information online about honeysuckle for goats and sheep. Some say it's dangerous, others not. Any info on this? I did leaf snap and this plant came up as Tatarian Honeysuckle. Note... this honeysuckle doesn't seem to have that strong smell like other honeysuckles around our...
  2. BrittanyLeigh

    Canna lilies. Toxic?

    My goats have discovered my caNNa lillies (not caLLa lillies, just to be clear) and they are enjoying the daylights out of them .. I googled whether or not they were toxic and most forums got off track and talked about caLLa lillies being toxic .. from what I read I don't think I need to worry...
  3. BrittanyLeigh

    Canna Lillies. Toxic???

    My goats have discovered my caNNa lillies (not caLLa lillies, just to be clear) and they are enjoying the daylights out of them .. I googles whether or not they were toxic and most forums got off track and talked about caLLa lillies being toxic .. from what I read I don't think I need to worry...