
  1. CaliFarmsAR

    Help please!!! Can club foot and a joint infection be treated??

    Hey y’all! I need some help/advance here. I just started working at an equestrian barn and they have a 5 year old horses and he has Club foot and got a joint infection from the vet (they didn’t do the injection right). Can this be treated? If so what is the best way to? And after he recovers...
  2. A

    Hello Fellow Goat enthuisiasts

    Hello I'm New to this Forum and kind of new to keeping goats. At this time we have three lamancha goats 2 in heat that have been with a buck and one at our friends ranch on vacation to meet with a buck. All are registered with ADGA. I'm A 13 year old boy and enjoy working with goats and at this...