4h for 5 year old?


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Aug 8, 2011
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I got to thinking about 4H again and possibly getting Logan (he is 5) into it. From what I am seeing on the 4H site for our county it looks like they have to show meat goats. So now I have a few questions.
1) Do you think a 5 year old could handle showmanship of a meat goat?
2) Would it be better to get a bottle fed goat to help with bonding? Or would a dam raised goat be fine?
3) What age would you suggest? Does gender matter?
4) Would a meat goat get along fine with our 2 pygerian wethers? I know the size difference will be significant.
5) What should I look for in a 4H goat? Conformation, breed, etc.
Of course I have to broach the subject to DH and see if Logan is interested in doing it. I just noticed on the website that there is a 4H show 3/12 nearby. Would it be a good idea to see if we could make it to that show and let Logan see how things work and see if he is interested in participating? I would love for my boys to get into 4H. It would get them more involved with the goats (other than chasing them around!) and it gives us an excuse to have goats!

Is there a better option for a 5 year old to show? I just figured goats because we already have the set up for them.

I know 20kids has children in 4H, hopefully she will share her opinion and be able to answer some of my questions. RPC would know about 4H too.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
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Huntertown, IN
1) Do you think a 5 year old could handle showmanship of a meat goat?
Yes, as long as you work really hard with him and the goat to make sure the goat is properly trained. They are really strong and if they are not comfortable they could drag him threw the ring and he may never want to show again. Getting in the ring for the first time, with any goat, you never know what to expect. Some of our best trained ones freak out and our wildest ones have been perfect in the ring. Each one is different.
2) Would it be better to get a bottle fed goat to help with bonding? Or would a dam raised goat be fine?
Again it all depends on the goat. We have had bottle babies that are awesome pets but stubborn when it comes to walking. But as long as you are active with the baby when it is born a dam raised kid can be just as friendly as a bottle baby. I spend time every day with our dam raised kids. I think atleast for the first year, since you are trying it out, Get a bottle kid so you can bond. If he does well and enjoys showing, maybe start raising your own so he can see them from born to market it is a great lesson.
3) What age would you suggest? Does gender matter?
We try to have ours be around 6-8 months old when they are shown. I think that puts them in the best market classes. But for a 5 year old I would probably go a little younger so it is more his size. Kerigan's market wether last year was 7 months and 96 pounds. She is 10 and he was huge for her. I will include a picture so you can see size wise what I am talking about. Wethers will usually grow a little faster but I have found are also a little more docile at that age. My does normally start to get a little attitude at that age. Kind of like the teenage girls showing them LOL.

4) Would a meat goat get along fine with our 2 pygerian wethers? I know the size difference will be significant.
I think as long as you introduce them when they are close to the same size they will be fine. Feeding time is when I would be worried about your pygerian's getting pushed to the side. Other then that I would think all should be well.
5) What should I look for in a 4H goat? Conformation, breed, etc.
Good conformation, overall muscle but that will be a little hard on a baby, width (chest, top, and rear), length, depth of body, and rack shape. Got all that LOL. Also a nice straight top line. I personally like a boer cross market goat, usually crossed with a nubian.
Of course I have to broach the subject to DH and see if Logan is interested in doing it. I just noticed on the website that there is a 4H show 3/12 nearby. Would it be a good idea to see if we could make it to that show and let Logan see how things work and see if he is interested in participating? I would love for my boys to get into 4H. It would get them more involved with the goats (other than chasing them around!) and it gives us an excuse to have goats!
I would definitely go to the show so both you and him can see what he will have to work on and do with his goat. That will also tell you if he is interested. Even if DH is not keen on the idea it would be a fun day for you guys and something different. Maybe when it is over, take him to look around in the barn and hopefully there may be a really nice breeder you can briefly talk to about showing. It is better after the show once they are done getting everyone ready and aren't as stressed.

Well I hope that answers your questions if you have anymore I will answer them as best as I can. Your state I think shows differently then we do. Our kids have to be in 3rd grade in order to show animals and you can only show at 1 county fair a year, unless it is an open show.


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Aug 8, 2011
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Thank you for answering my questions. If DH is okay with us trying it I will be calling the county extension and finding out more information. I did figure out that the 5-6 class is just showmanshi, they don't have to know the parts of the goat and all that like the older kids. I also looked at the date on the open show I mentioned. It is actually the 3/17-3/18 which is a weekend that DH works. So if he okays us trying it with Logan I would have to figure out someone to go with us, or have DH try to get one of those days off work. I'm thinking I could arrange for my dad to go with us to the show maybe, which woudn't be a bad thing since he is a goat man and could help with questions and talking to breeders.

Trust me if we ever got the finances to move to somewhere with a few acres that we could raise goats on I'd be jumping on it! Although I like the smaller breeds I wouldn't mind doing the boers even if it was just a small herd for 4H needs.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
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Huntertown, IN
We have 14 and that is including the babies. We just have a small herd for our 4-H needs and that is about it. Each year we grow though because they are just so addictive. Hopefully next year with having 7 does kidding I will be able to sell a couple kids and start to make money. So far the last 5 years have just been throwing money into the fire, but it has been a fun journey and the kids have learned so much so it has all been worth it.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
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Muncy Valley, PA
.....sticking nose in where it wasn't invited......

Meat goat+ smaller size+ easier to handle for child=Fainter


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Aug 8, 2011
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Well at least boers are easier to find around here.
I did notice that the show in March is an open show where the kids can show female sheep, cows, or goats. It only listed females though which is why I asked if it mattered if you did a wether or a doe for the show.
I'm figuring he would only show at the county fair. I have to find a local 4H group to join if we do it though and I am sure tehy can supply me with tons of information and possibly even guide us towards sellers with good stock.
I know there is someone with boers just up the road from us and a few others nearby too. There are tons posted on CL too. I've actually been looking at a nice looking black headed white/black one that someone is selling. He is so pretty!


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Aug 8, 2011
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Mamaboid said:
.....sticking nose in where it wasn't invited......

Meat goat+ smaller size+ easier to handle for child=Fainter
I'd be fine with a fainter too if it was allowed! Yet another breed that isn't too hard to find around here.
I have no problem with you answering too. I just mentioned 20kids and RPC because I knew those 2 had 4H experience.


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
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Huntertown, IN
The hardest part is not looking at the color and looking at the quality. We still get blinded here and there but are getting better at it.


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I'll have to let Logan choice what he wants since it will be his goat anyway if we do it. I just don't want another predominately black goat! I have enough fun trying to figure out which goat is which on the 2 we have since they are both black!