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- #1,331
Herd Master
Thats good to know. Its sound like it going to be messy lol. I got the main house chores done yesterday. I might start on the geese today I need to pick the ones we keeping and the ones that go one of them I sure that goes is a goose from last years goslings she agressive and I dont care for that at all. The other three females might all stay and the extra gander wil go as well. That would bring us to four i think I am forgeting on... I have to count but either way thats the plan. I also need to grab the extra drake. And get ready to process a rabbit. Need to get ready for piglets, goat kids and rabbit kits. Lots of house to get ready again lol. The geese are confused by this fall season they mating and laying which I havent had happen before in winter. So their mating season is going on forever... Which is frustrating they are more agressive during mating with other animals and people so constantly having to adjust to their moodyness and see who they will fine with or wont me is frustrating process. I also need to grab the next set of young rooster and decide were I going to pen them up at. Might build a special thing just for them... anyways I need to weed the garden and get ready to spary the corn with Epson salt solution dang ants have gone for them... I might also use de I am going to do some research on repeling ants I know high acid food such as coffee works. But we see what happens there. I save large feed barrel of eggs using the water glassing method and have about 11 dozen in the freezer and I am still getting a dozen most of the time some days itd half a dozen but still awesome but note to self saving eggs might encourage chicken to lay all winter just to drive me nuts lol. We had a very mild season so far hoping It keeps up until harvest. But we shall see. So we have tomatos, peppers, eggplant, artichoke, cucumbers, butter nut squash , pumpkins, some corn, swiss chard, spanich, giant purple mustard greens, rosmary, mint, spearmint, basil, carrots, and cauliflower and I think thats all right now. Remember we currently in eighties and sixties at night so very mild weather right now going to get a cool front that move us in to the seventies and fifties at night. I am thinking we get a good front maybe beganing of.december but we have been known to be in the 80s on christmas day as.well so we shall see. I need to harvest the start fertilizing the soil and get ready for spring planting. But I am doing it just in case we stay longen enough mostly we hoping to be.gone before spring but who knows life happens. But we are working towards that goal.