A Jesusfreaks tales of farm life with soon to be Six kids


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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been some time since i posted here. okay lets see dh has a new job. might last a year might last longer. it requires he be away for 3months at a time or longer. he stationed at the border(Texas). so we either move closer, move to the area we want to be in or move out somewhere near were we are. problems with the border is safety not ideal, bonuses we can see dh maybe half the month instead of 8days a month... moving anywherr else safer lol but only dh 8days a month... which sucks like a leech. but beside the point we talking about all the options cant do anything just yet anyways. also the possibility of his other job he still has here. so yeah hmm. what else just school, kids being kids and house work really. i keep trying to find busy work besides cleaning if i had the goats and pigs i would be set along with the garden but atlast they arent here so no go there. if i make a garden and move i be pissed lol to leave it behind. also have no use for furniture if we move into a rv.... with five kids sounds like a nightmare in some ways. animals wouldnt be going unless we just want me in a straight jacket at that rate. we should have 30,000 buy not later the july give or take some. but still need to really think this through as we dont want to make the wrong choice. my momma will to house our animals for a little while but i can ask that wouldnt be fair to her or daddy. life is full of choices. i thinks thats everything... who knows i been cleaning fumes you know and lack of sleep... lol


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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wow i really hatbent posted on here lol. For the record baby boy was born Oct 23 2021. Anyway, trying to stay awake dh is suppose to call we see how that goes so far a second become uhh something like 20minutes. so far i am awake anyone have any funny jokes lol. Kids are doing well dd1 is my amazing sassy mouthed helper lol takes after her momma. Ds1 is being a rock start he working extrememly hard in school and is help out as well. Ds2 is hyper crazy kid lol he started some kindergaten and doing decent for the energy bunny he is. He also mopzilla lol he like to mop who has a job for him, he does good work lol. Dd2 has found her sass someone save me. Lol she has started telling me no and other fun two year old nonsense. Threes are gonna be fun however she is a sweet heart, she loves helping everyone and chasing her brother who screaming around the house the a peanut buttee cracker lol. Baby boy aka ds3 is growing well he also doing his push up and ect. He seems like he going to be an early crawler need to get things nailed down before he starts lol. He has learned to grab my face and kiss me lol also know as sliming lol. Oh well i running out of things to type and my eyes are closing night all.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
You have a lot to think about, lots of decisions. You and your husband look at all the angles, the pros and cons, talk it over and make a decision. If you find that you have a made a wrong decision, changes can always be made. The main thing is to make a decision that is best for your family. Decisions, like life, can always be changed or tweaked here or there.

The road of life is littered with flat squirrels that couldn't make a decision.



Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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So not much has changed still saving, have all dh business loan paid off and a few credit cards...long story but dh and i are on the same page on this finally so hopefully it's over with there. we be able to save half of what he making just about each month now whuch is awesome. I have some raised planter/ beds going for a garden. also some things cane up in
the old garden so thats fun. today's a school day and house work I mowed most of the yard yesterday have some more to do, need to take trash to dumpster. going to be making a meal plan i keep meaning to but i havent got to it quite yet. along with several other things. need to catch up on and get organized again. Dh is maybe coming home around the 16th we will see. Got to get school ordered for next year and planned out. need to work on alot of school planning and organizing. need to get the house back to running on a schedule last couple of weeks threw us for a loop. need to get several things done. sighs going to make hot tea get ready and get moving. been going to bed after midnight and being woken up multiple times and i wake up at five(the time i want to be up) and i fall back to sleep... i know i need the rest but seriously need to get bacj to my routines so i can get things done. ohh farm news havent been looking to hard still need the money first. the chickens are finally laying really well. need to seperate some drakes and fatten them up for processing. was able to get one cat fixed before she got pregnant. the other is pregnant and will be popping some time in the future once that happens she is gonna get fixed asap. don't need cats everywhere. still have some plants i want to get and seeds i like to have. as i dont know when we are moving i dont want to over plant. so far i have two tomatos, two jalapenos, two California wonder peppers, several cucumbers, letuces and spanich seedlings coming up, also sowed parsley, green onion, chives, organeno, tyme, basil, and i believe yellow squash but i forgot to label the container i had the seeds in.. so it be a surprise lol. the cucumbers are still very small. I think thats really it. anyways need to get moving so i see yall later.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Jesusfreak101 It's great to hear from you! Busy busy busy! Keep saving for buying a house, you will get there. Don't forget closing costs, they are a kicker, and even splitting the costs, it is more money. Do y'all have any idea where you want to buy a place?