A Jesusfreaks tales of farm life with soon to be Six kids


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I am glad that you all are away from there, with the family difficulties. It sounds like it is sad for the grandmother's condition, but it may be a blessing if she passes because she has no quality of life in that condition.
I get the deer. they are absolutely horrible here... and a fence is going to be the next thing on my agenda...
It is good to have a reliable and "sizeable" vehicle for you and the kids and everything. Payments are the pits... I am making payments on the Explorer I bought off my parents estate... plus other work I have had done on it since.
Good to hear from you.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Well it's been awhile taking a moment figured I say hi. Nothing really new going on still living in West Texas and still homeschooling. Finishing up last year's work on 2 grade and 4 grade. I am also working on prk/kinder, 1st grade, 3rd grade and 5th grade scheduling. Getting all the books and assignments ready to go. Always seems like an insane amount of work lol I hate scheduling and I also meal planning today so makes me cranky lol. My version of plan is no plan lol but life with kids and homeschool that doesn't work. We would have already been done but life things happen like illness, and having a baby lol and adjustments for that lol. Dh work likes to regularly screw up any schedule I have they are constantly changing his days off or if he working day or nights and it's gotten quite annoying. They need someone in charge that knows how to make a schedule and stick to it. Sighs oh well. Planning on going to San Antonio for a shopping trip next month need to hit Costco. Also need to go cloth shopping for dh, oldest dd and me. Also need to get some new shoes for some short people.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
It’s good to hear from you! I’m glad you checked in to let us know how things are going.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Eh honestly it's just me and dh that go with the kids they pretty well behaved the hardest ones is the 4year old girl and the 2 year old boy. They both kinda hit the personality button about the same time lol. Lily our 4year old is a sweet girl but she can be the most stubborn thing some times and she likes to push everyone's buttons and tries her best to get away with everything she recently started testing every boundary known to man lol. There are times I tempted to hog tie her and duck tape her mouth shut lol has yet to happen lol. Our 2 year old boy John is her partner in crime most often, he likes to push boundaries and it the first to hit or bite. He can be very aggressive even towards me. He very opinionated and determined to have everything his way. Lol what's funny is if someone in trouble with me he backs me up threatening them, and if one of the other kids is getting after Lily for someone his little fist go flying in her defense and there are times those fist face off with me for disciplining someone lol. Love them both but out and a about they are about the same and they love to see how far they can get lol it's why they always in the baskets even if they get buried lol. My oldest is the biggest help followed by the 8 year old. Generally if the 5 year old is fed and doesn't need anything he a help to it's if he gets caught up in the toddlers fun or needs something that he gets difficult he kinda still at a whiny phase lol. Baby girl who 5 months now as long as she fed and clean has her toys or in the moby She happy girl. She rarely fuses while we shop her personality is love me cuddle me and I am happy with everything lol. She a pretty laid back baby. Went an hour to a clothing mall and spent about 3 hrs between shopping and food and she slept the entire time and she slept on the way there as well she was awake for the ride back and was having a blasted the entire time with a new toy we got her.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
Hello all, working on my laptop currently figured I would say hi. Doing well, Still at the border. Dh is still deployed down here. Might be for another year or two. We are looking into buying an rv and living in it for a year or two. As the current house unless we can rent for another year or so (might not be able to now that there are eight of us). If we can't rent here the other houses are out of our price range so rv it is lol. We Plan to out right buy one and take trips with the kids. Will be challenging but for a year or two better then getting stuck in a lease when my dh might get deployed else where. Plus this way we will be able to save 3000-4000 a month. Kids are doing good in school( home school we school all year around). There are four schooling this year 5th grade, 3rd grade, 1st grade and kindergarten. The two year old is a handful lol he likes to drive me crazy. The baby (8months) has started walking along things and even tries to stand on her own already. She is such a little ham. Outside of that I have given up on having a outdoor garden. Anything I plant even the aloe vera i planted in a pot disliked being outside. I have one large mango plant, 8 little mangos, one large avocado plant, 3 little ones, 2 rose bush, two gardnias, i think three or four pineapple plants, one rose bush, one aloe vera plant, an ivy, and maybe something i am forgetting all inside because non of them are happy outside i nearly lost both gardnias, the aloe vera and the multiple pineapple plants. thats not including the tomatoes, greenbeans, peppers, squashes and cucucmber plants i have planted and water twice a day.... they still wilt, brown and stress out and die. I am so tired of this place I currently have two outside plants a carnation, and a snap dragon. they both doing okay so far. The snap dragon leaves are yellowing abit but its grown massive. the carnation isnt growing but flowering. We are already at 105 with out the heat index with we are hitting 115... and no rain.... darn desert enviorment... I told dh i miss rain lol. we get a sprinkle but no real rain.... i like rain lol