Sorry about the "fahr aints", I hear they are awful and hard to get rid of. Regarding the chick, I wish I had an idea what the problem is with its foot.
This would be a first for me but kinda reminds me of frost bite but we haven't got down that low. It's feet were funky when i moved it from the incubator on day two or three. It look like it had fluid filled feet kinda reminded me of blisters. Now the toes look dead and dried out. I not sure there much I can do to it.
okay called around in April to get pricing for the pigs to be butchered was told they would and pricing but they said no appointment needed. Now telling me they no longer process and one over an hr away does but wants .95lb and 50 dollar for pigs. The kill fee normal but oh no on the per pound fee thats .30 cents more per pound and they booked till end of august. Waiting for one more to get back with me but frustration is mounting.
I haven't check today yet but didn't appear to be improving that i could see. Ds2 has an infected toe did a video call with Dr so he got proscribed meds. They are only letting patient and one other person in well i have three other little ones and one can't be watch by anyone and other two would be fine but don't want the exposed to anything after we just finally got over the stomach bug seriously no that i am good. It hung out for over a week. Ds1 still some having some issues but is improving. Need to get on with the chores thankfully I hadn't seperated then kids from mom so no need to milk. I need to pasturize lots of milk and need to finish house cleaning i try to get some more outside chore done when ds2 takes a nap i don't want him running around to much on that foot because he screams in pain. He current doped up on Tylenol. But still hurts.
Okay so yesterday was well slightly less crazy but still up there. Went and did farm chores checked on the chicks and we down to two. The black one was just gone no clue at all to what happened the other chicks are good. The rest animals are good