Overrun with beasties
So since I had the problems with Sky last year being too small to kid and having a c-section I am waiting till my does are atleast 15 month+ to breed. I was told 8 months and 80 pounds is good but that didn't work well for me. So I have 3 does who are just eating and growing until they get bred next year. Now I am wondering am I feeding them too much. I love a thick stocky boer doe but I am worried my thick stocky does are turning into thick fat does. I don't want them to be too fat for the show next year and be too fat for breeding so what do you all think. Should I cut back a little on the grain? Or do they look just fine and I should keep up with what I am doing. Cashmere is the same height if not taller then Sky and Joy who are due in January with their second freshening's. I trimmed hooves yesterday and while they were on the stand I snapped a few photos of them with my Blackberry so they are not the best pictures. ( I promise one day I will have a short post)
Faith (Hope's grand dam) Since she was up there I decided to get pictures of her and Sky.
Faith (Hope's grand dam) Since she was up there I decided to get pictures of her and Sky.