Overrun with beasties
Here's one for you Sheepgirl! 
Little Mac developed an abscess on his cheek when he was about a month old. After about two weeks it ruptured on it's own and white pus came out.
Now Patches has an abscess on her cheek, same exact place as Mac. She is a few months older than Mac, and she has been suffering from scours on and off. I took her temp this morning and it was 104. We will be treating her with LA200.
So, I was just reading up about the dreaded Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) and am praying it is not that. From what I read though, it seems CL abscesses are more visible "behind the ears, beneath the jaw or neck, on the shoulders, or in the rear flank region."
I think I also read and interpreted that the CDT vaccine will prevent transmission of this disease. They have both had their vaccines before the abscesses occurred.
So what do you think it could be? Or is it normal for lambs to get abscesses?

Little Mac developed an abscess on his cheek when he was about a month old. After about two weeks it ruptured on it's own and white pus came out.
Now Patches has an abscess on her cheek, same exact place as Mac. She is a few months older than Mac, and she has been suffering from scours on and off. I took her temp this morning and it was 104. We will be treating her with LA200.
So, I was just reading up about the dreaded Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) and am praying it is not that. From what I read though, it seems CL abscesses are more visible "behind the ears, beneath the jaw or neck, on the shoulders, or in the rear flank region."
I think I also read and interpreted that the CDT vaccine will prevent transmission of this disease. They have both had their vaccines before the abscesses occurred.
So what do you think it could be? Or is it normal for lambs to get abscesses?