Ridin' The Range
I think Shizune, my little Nubian/Boer/Kiko mix, is really chubby. But she's so darn cute and steals food every chance she gets, so I'm not sure what to do about that. I'm not going to worry about it for now and hope she loses the "baby fat" before we decide to breed her. My other goat, Tsunade, should be pregnant, due in March. I think she looks pretty good, maybe a little on the thin side? Should I be feeding her more grain/alfalfa pellets? She is Saanen/Boer. I'm planning on milking after she kids, so I don't want her to get too thin, but I also don't want her to gain so much weight she has trouble kidding. Right now they are mainly eating hay and whatever oak leaves they find around or off the branches dh has been throwing in. I also give them a handful of sweet feed and sometimes a handful or 2 of alfalfa pellets as treats, not every day, but most days. Tsunade is friendlier and I give her more, Shizune often gets none. She doesn't really need it! But she will lick the leftovers off the ground! LOL. They were on only hay when we got them about a month ago, so I've been going easy on it. Here are some pics. Thanks for the help!