Herd Master
I was doing some research on cornish X and stumbled across some info on American Bresse.
Does anyone know anything about this breed?
They are supposed to be almost as fast growing as cornishX - ready in 16weeks instead of 12. Averaging about the same weight at processing. BUT, supposedly the meat is more flavorful because of 'marbling' in the breast meat. ? AND sustainable because they're a pure breed instead of a hybrid. And are considered to be good layers.
There's going to be someone at Gilmanor in May with them. She's making a wait list for chicks that she'll plan to bring to the sale.
They're considered rare here. Based off of the French breed from imported stock. I'm just curious if they might be worth the 'investment' to be - eventually - able to have a flock of egg layers that, with the help of a broody or two, could raise a reasonable flock of meat birds each summer.
Does anyone know anything about this breed?
They are supposed to be almost as fast growing as cornishX - ready in 16weeks instead of 12. Averaging about the same weight at processing. BUT, supposedly the meat is more flavorful because of 'marbling' in the breast meat. ? AND sustainable because they're a pure breed instead of a hybrid. And are considered to be good layers.
There's going to be someone at Gilmanor in May with them. She's making a wait list for chicks that she'll plan to bring to the sale.
They're considered rare here. Based off of the French breed from imported stock. I'm just curious if they might be worth the 'investment' to be - eventually - able to have a flock of egg layers that, with the help of a broody or two, could raise a reasonable flock of meat birds each summer.