American Chinchilla vs. Silver Fox


Herd lurker
Dec 14, 2020
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I know this is an old thread, but thought I would throw in my two cents in case somebody else runs into it. I have been raising both Silver Fox and Am. Chinchillas for a few months now. My Chinchilla doe was much more resistant to her first mating than my Silver Fox doe. She is a lot more stubborn and opinionated in general, so it wasn't a big surprise that she resisted the buck longer and more forcefully. My Silver Fox doe is much more docile, is easier to handle, and accepted the buck more easily. But my Chinchillas laboring and mothering instincts were much better. So, take it for what you will. We are on our 2nd pregnancies for both does, and the breeding process went much smoother all around, and maybe the laboring and mothering will be easier for my Silver Fox this time around, too. I like both breeds, but prefer the temperment and texture of the pelt of the Silver Fox.

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