Angus Calf not nursing


Just born
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
Please help!
Bought a 100lb angus bull calf Tues afternoon, he is down in the legs but with Bo-Se and splints I have corrected this type of problem before.

My bigger concern is that I can't seem to get him nursing. I have tried getting him to suck my fingers, used Karo syrup on the nipple (changed sizes of openings on the nipple), clamped him between my knees and held his mouth shut, tickled the edge of his gum line, scratched his butt while trying to feed, "milked" the nipple with my finger against the roof of his mouth, ...... out of ideas.

Here's his feed history:
Born Tues am, tube fed colostrum (Bo-Se & Draxin shots) Tues pm, tube fed milk Wed am, got a dribble in him Wed pm, Thurs am, finally saw first poops Thurs pm & tube fed milk Thurs pm, dribble of milk again on Fri am.

He doesn't seem to know what to do with his tongue, runs it out the side of his mouth and only want to half heartedly chew the nipple.

I have raised many jersey calves and baby goats; all responded to earlier mentioned techniques and began nursing.