Attn: Toggenburg owners


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 6, 2012
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This is by no means an insult to those who raise Alpine goats. I don't really care for the general Alpine temperment (all animals are a little different, but in general). I know many people do love their Alpines and would raise no other breed, which is fine. For me they are a little too spirited I guess, lol. But I was wondering if Toggenburg goats are a lot like Alpines. The sure share that sort of look. What I don't like about Alpines is that they seem to run a little hot tempered, with each other and with humans sometimes. It just seems like you can have a field full of 20 goats of various breeds and if one goat is getting pushed, or chased, its by an Alpine. I've also witnessed some pretty grumpy Alpine nannies being milked. So is it the same song and dance with the Toggenburgs or are they a little more laid back? Or have I just had a bad luck of the draw when it comes to giving Alpines a chance? I've also heard that Alpines can have a stronger taste to their milk is that true of Toggenburgs too.


Chillin' with the herd
Sep 24, 2011
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My dear friend raises Alpines. They are soo laid back and their milk is delicious. She's a really good owner and has had goats for many years. I have a Togg and after freshening three years, her milk is starting to taste weird. But, I'm thinking this is due to the last batch of poor quality hay and her need to be on new pasture. I'm going to try less grain as recommended here. Temperament wise, she's pretty mellow, and very quiet. I breed her with an Alpine buck every year. they look so much alike and their kids always look Togg. Her udder is awesome and she gives me a gallon a day. I really like my Sanaan!! :D


Overrun with beasties
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Coal Creek Canyon, CO
I have heard Alpines are a leader in a herd. Among my goats, my Boers are the bully. One of them insist on picking on my Alpines. While the bigger Alpine defend himself and do not back down, my smaller one is the low goat on the totem pole. I have to lock her up so she can eat in peace. My Alpines are graceful, intelligent and loving. They hang out with me more than the Boers. When food is present, you'd think I only have Alpines. They are always the first to run to me (partly because they are faster). They are alert and are more aware of what's going on around them.
My neighbor has two Nubians and one Alpine. The Alpine is the low goat in the herd also. She is not the smallest goat in that herd either.
I have heard also that Toggenburg's milk does not taste good. I have tried Alpine, Nubian, Lamancha's milk and loved Lamancha's best. If you can get pass the ear-less look, LaMancha may be the one for you.