Automatic watering done different


Just born
Nov 25, 2018
Reaction score
All the automatic watering systems I've found online use nipples, but our cages came with, and are set up to use cups with a water bottle 2 feed into it. I want to switch to an automatic watering system to save time so I'm late for the school bus less in the morning and so I don't have to worry about knocking ice out of the bowls.

I've designed and started a system that goes down into the bowls from a pipe then sucked back up from the bowl with a pump and over to the next cage where it goes down and up repeatedly. Water reservoir would be heated and eventually circulate back into reservoir .To constant movement and supply of warmer water should stop it from freezing.

I've been looking around online and couldn't find a system like this anywhere. Anyone know why or see any obvious problems I'm missing? My dad pointed out the problem of kits peeing it it being mixed to all the other rabbits but a simple charcoal filter gets most of that out so each down will have one of those.

if anyone knows please point out why it's not been done before