Mini-M Ranch
Overrun with beasties
I have a little FF doe that kidded about 2 weeks ago with a single buckling (he was not large, but was LARGE compared to her) She weighs 60 pounds and he weighed 6. Anyway, she kidded fine, but now we are dealing with a congested udder. She is a heavy producer with small teat orifices. I am new to hand milking and am not proficient at milking her out, especially with her edema. I have been massaging, milking, massaging, milking, etc., but she doesn't care for ANY of it.
Anyway, she seems a bit depressed. I'm sure she is uncomfortable. I read somewhere that B Complex is good for easing udder congestion, as well as Vitamin C and feeding fresh parsley (don't know about that one). I don't know what dosage for the b complex, or if it will even really help. What dosage and how many days? Is it SQ or IM?
Thanks in advance.
Anyway, she seems a bit depressed. I'm sure she is uncomfortable. I read somewhere that B Complex is good for easing udder congestion, as well as Vitamin C and feeding fresh parsley (don't know about that one). I don't know what dosage for the b complex, or if it will even really help. What dosage and how many days? Is it SQ or IM?
Thanks in advance.