Because we Post Stupid Things We Do.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
At least you didn't have to explain to the Fire Marshall! For my sins, I was the only one sober who didn't run away when Fire Marshall and volunteer fire department showed up at SCA event in response to the fire ball.

Ever try to explain why drunks dressed up as knights out of a Monty Python skit sent fire arrows into a large abandoned propane tank? "Sir, I came running with my personal fire extinguisher and first aid kit when I heard the explosion and screaming." "No Sir, I don't know anyone's real name or ages, I just started putting out fires." "Sir, I'm fairly sure the event planners didn't know the tank was there. This was marked as a safe field for archery."
:lol: :eek::lol:

Great act of playing dumb!!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Ridgetop snd her husband were staying with me when I was still living at my son’s house. He was in, between jobs. He decided to clean up in his backyard. He started a small burn pile. We called him in for sandwiches, he ate and went back outside. My phone rang. It was Layne, “BRING MY TRUCK! I’m out by the highway.”

I went outside, his backyard was full on fire, the field next door was blazing, and flames were going towards the cell phone tower. He and the lady that owned the field were trying to get a gate open for the fire trucks that were on the way. I raced up in his truck, he grabbed tools and quickly got the gate off.

He drove his truck back, cranked his tractor and raced back to drag the bunch hog over the flames. The lady was about to collapse. She was crying and having a meltdown. I made her sit on the concrete slab of the cell phone tower and started beating flames with my ugly orange sweat hoodie. I still have it, it has burn marks on it.

Meanwhile, @Ridgetop and her husband came outside. Fire trucks arrived, one went in son’s backyard spraying the flames that were around his trailers first. His neighbor on the other side was standing at the fence screaming, “I didn’t do it! It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it!”

Of course Ridgetop HAD to go ask Kenny the neighbor just what he didn’t do. He told her his father in law and brother in law were volunteer firefighters and he was telling them that he didn’t start the fire. Well naturally Ridgetop wanted to know more. He told her he used to be a volunteer firefighter but he started setting fires. He got caught, went to jail and couldn’t be a firefighter any more!

Firefighters got the fire put out. The fire chief wrote my son a ticket for burning the neighbors field. He had to go to the justice of the peace and pay a $300 fine.

The fire burned the wires and plastic lights on one of his gooseneck flatbed trailers.

We all went back in the house and Ridgetop told us the interesting news that Kenny the neighbor was an arsonist! We laughed, what a day!