Loving the herd life
Hi, we have a 1 year old nubian/boar cross wether who is like a little satan. He is horribly mean to the other goats, try's to get out when you open the door, is always under your feat when you walk in the pen, and is extremly pushy, he used to butt but I 'convinced' him who, of the two of us, had the bigger horns. When I feed them he pushes and jumps at you and attacks the dish before you even set it down, I tried to give them a hay bag but attacked it (with his horns) until it was in tatters, he is always detemined, no matter how much of his own food is left, to steel the other goats food, he chases the other goats around for the fun of it, if you try to give any other goats attention he pushes them out of the way..........must I go on? He was bottle raised, we didn't dehorn him because he was already a week old and we didn't have access to a dehorner at the time. He cry's alot (thought it's to be expected because he is part nubian). He has a big pen with wire spools to play on and other goats for company. I do probably feed him to much feed for a nonworking wether, should I cut him off completly or give him only a cup a day? Is there any way to break any of his habbits? I don't know what to do with him because I wouldn't sell him to somebody with his attitude. None of the other goats are like him. He is driving me out of my mind.:/