Exploring the pasture
I'm starting a minifarm behind my house. It's about 1.5 acres and my grandparents have had stuff here before. Chickens and goats an rabbits, you get the idea.
It's really a hobby farm and I'm not looking to have goats for meat, milk, or breeding, just some cute things to frolic and keep the sticker bushes at bay.
My grandparents have always had ONE DOE. But the more I read the more I see that TWO WETHERS seem to be popular consensus. I am a very logical-type person so I was wondering the pros and cons of each choice.
My grandparents seem to think male goats (dunno if there's a difference in their minds between wethers and bucks attitude-wise) are angry, tempermental, and pee on their beards.
I might be being picky, but I prefer (fixed) male animals temperaments.
So if you could help me with a list of reasons why one or the other is better, please share! Thanks.
It's really a hobby farm and I'm not looking to have goats for meat, milk, or breeding, just some cute things to frolic and keep the sticker bushes at bay.
My grandparents have always had ONE DOE. But the more I read the more I see that TWO WETHERS seem to be popular consensus. I am a very logical-type person so I was wondering the pros and cons of each choice.
My grandparents seem to think male goats (dunno if there's a difference in their minds between wethers and bucks attitude-wise) are angry, tempermental, and pee on their beards.
I might be being picky, but I prefer (fixed) male animals temperaments.
So if you could help me with a list of reasons why one or the other is better, please share! Thanks.