Behaviors - Male Vs. Female?


Exploring the pasture
Jul 12, 2010
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Otis, ORE
I'm starting a minifarm behind my house. It's about 1.5 acres and my grandparents have had stuff here before. Chickens and goats an rabbits, you get the idea.

It's really a hobby farm and I'm not looking to have goats for meat, milk, or breeding, just some cute things to frolic and keep the sticker bushes at bay.

My grandparents have always had ONE DOE. But the more I read the more I see that TWO WETHERS seem to be popular consensus. I am a very logical-type person so I was wondering the pros and cons of each choice.

My grandparents seem to think male goats (dunno if there's a difference in their minds between wethers and bucks attitude-wise) are angry, tempermental, and pee on their beards.

I might be being picky, but I prefer (fixed) male animals temperaments.

So if you could help me with a list of reasons why one or the other is better, please share! Thanks.


Overrun with beasties
Mar 13, 2010
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upstate New York
PureFluff said:
I'm starting a minifarm behind my house. It's about 1.5 acres and my grandparents have had stuff here before. Chickens and goats an rabbits, you get the idea.

It's really a hobby farm and I'm not looking to have goats for meat, milk, or breeding, just some cute things to frolic and keep the sticker bushes at bay.

My grandparents have always had ONE DOE. But the more I read the more I see that TWO WETHERS seem to be popular consensus. I am a very logical-type person so I was wondering the pros and cons of each choice.

My grandparents seem to think male goats (dunno if there's a difference in their minds between wethers and bucks attitude-wise) are angry, tempermental, and pee on their beards.

I might be being picky, but I prefer (fixed) male animals temperaments.

So if you could help me with a list of reasons why one or the other is better, please share! Thanks.

Goats a social animals. They like numbers bigger than 1. Two usually are happier as they can buddy up.

An Intact Buck...WILL do all those things Your grandparents say...and then some.

A wether...neutered buck will Not do any of those things. As a plus...he will Not cycle in heat as a doe won't get tempermental at times. They make wonderful pets and weed controlers.

A doe makes a lovely pet, weed control And with the added benefit of producing Milk...should You want her to.

Good Luck.


Loving the herd life
May 18, 2009
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Welcome to BYH!

If you just want a pet then I'd highly suggest getting two wethers. They make wonderful pets without the possible negatives (depending on how you look at it) of bucks and does. Wethers are very easy to feed - a good grass hay or forage is all they need. They do not need, nor should they have grain or feed unless it's given rarely as a treat.

As stated: bucks stink to high heaven during breeding season (depending on what type of goat you get - that could be all year round), they do pee on themselves and they can get ornery during breeding season. Some bucks will be as sweet as can be but some will get dangerous during that time. Unless you want to breed multiple does I would highly suggest you NOT get a buck.

Does: they do come into heat monthly (depending on the breed if it's for half the year or all year) and some can be very vocal and obnoxious during that time. Others you may never know they are in heat at all. You do not ever have to breed a doe but you can if you want milk or kids.

Goats are VERY social - they need at least one other goat friend to be happiest and healthiest. Also, a bored goat can easily get into trouble or try to escape it's pen. Having a companion makes them less bored as does having toys for them to climb on and play on.