I built a fairly high fence but they sure can jump. So that kinda negates cornering them. I really want to get ahold of them so that I can vaccinate and worm and trim their hooves.
I have been trying to cozy up to em with grain since may. LOL They are still jumpy as jackrabbits in room full of coyotes.
I'm thinking my only hope is to build a small barn for feeding them in that I can shut em in.
On the other hand at least they don't mob me at the gate and the ram is just as intent on not making contact with me. So no worries there. He does beat up their temp shelter with his horns. Butts it all day long.
Oh yeah, I do have one katahdin ewe lamb. She is not friendly either. My original plan was to breed a katahdin ram to my black belly ewes. But after seeing the size difference I kinda backed off that plan. I'm afraid there will be birthing problems. Anyone out there try this cross. If so did you get something a bit calmer and larger in size. I just love the looks of the black belly, but sure wish they were not so wild acting.
Do you have american black bellies or texas black bellies?
The texas black bellies tend to have more mouflon blood in the which makes them jumpy.
My American Black bellies mug me for the bucket of grain, I can pet them all and none were bottle raised.
Texas black bellies have horns too, barbado are the ones without.
The texas black bellies are the ones usually without papers and mostly unknown parentage but look for the most part like an American. The Texas usually have mouflon in their close heritage thus are flightier(makes for more fun shootin on the ranches).
I "HAD" a ram, and still have 2 ewes and some of their Katahdin X babies.... They started off flighty, but spend time in their pasture, feed them "treats" (Mine LOVE animal crackers) and they will settle down.... My 3 year old ewes are just as gentle as my katahdin ewes...
The ram was bottle fed = VERY agressive!! He had a nice set of horns that he used to lay me down in a snow bank when he attacked me one day. He QUICKLY went to the taxidermist!!
So far my ram appears to be very weary of me. No attack in him. Which I think is good.
I did have to wrestle him down and hog tie him to move him to my home. This may account for his weariness.
I will work on the treat thing. I have noted that if I skip grain for a day or two they just about get careless over their want of the grain.
I do need to get ahold of them pretty soon. Hooves are looking awful and I would like to give them vacs.