Herd Master
We are currently feeding Purina rabbit pellets because they have been the only commercial feed that keeps the does' weights up when they're lactating. We buy it at TSC.
Well, yesterday I learned that my local mill carries Kalmbach rabbit feed. I know that it's a popular feed for goats. Has anyone tried the rabbit formula? And if so, any thoughts? I would prefer to buy all my feed from the local mill as they're good people and it's family owned.
I'm probably going to try a bag when my current feed runs out, just to see what it smells and looks like, how the buns like it, etc. (I've noticed that the more a feed smells like something I'd want to eat, the more good it seems to do my animals!)
Well, yesterday I learned that my local mill carries Kalmbach rabbit feed. I know that it's a popular feed for goats. Has anyone tried the rabbit formula? And if so, any thoughts? I would prefer to buy all my feed from the local mill as they're good people and it's family owned.
I'm probably going to try a bag when my current feed runs out, just to see what it smells and looks like, how the buns like it, etc. (I've noticed that the more a feed smells like something I'd want to eat, the more good it seems to do my animals!)