goat lady
Ridin' The Range
I know there is a proper name for them, but right now I haven't finished cup of Joe #1 to think of it. Back to my question. We have nigerian dwarfs, and have been thinking of getting one or two adult fainter does. Someone told me that you can breed a fainter doe with a nigerian buck and get a fainter. Does anyone have experience in them and if this is true? Or do you have to breed same breed with each other to get that in return? I would think if you want a nigerian then you breed with a nigerian, and fainter you breed with a fainter, or nubian you breed nubian and so on. But this guy said No and he has been breeding goats for years and I still consider myself a newbie since we have only had goats for 2 years now.
Thanks and happy Sunday.
Thanks and happy Sunday.