My English Angora doe, who is about six months old, has become kind of "fresh" lately. I let her out of her hutch every morning when I clean her ltter box, and let her run around. I had been taking her out every night and putting her on my lap to feed her greens. She seemed to not mind being picked up until recently. Now she's playing hard-to-get and runs in places where I can't get her. Trying to get her to go back in her hutch is difficult as she keeps running away. Today she actually lunged at me when I tried to get her out from under her hutch to put her back inside. I've had her since she was about 7 weeks old. So now I'm wondering, is this just some kind of bunny adolescence, or has she gone from an easygoing, people-loving rabbit to a somewhat grumpy rabbit? Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!