Chillin' with the herd
I am a new goat owner... We got our first two baby Nigerian dwarf goats on May 20th. ( I picked them up from two different farms/breeders) On the ride home I noticed one of them coughing. I contacted the breeder that same night and told her about my worries- and she told me that is was just the doe coughing up her cud....
Low and behold... 2 weeks later she is still coughing.. and now has diarriaha and a fever. I called the vet and they came out to my place- ran tests and confirmed that she has pneumonia.
* Side note question.....- do you think that the breeder should pay for some of that vet bill because she sold me her in this condition? ( I am sure that she was unaware of it- but still?
In addition to the Pneumonia - they said that because of stress related to the pneumonia she is now stricken with Emieria.
Can I catch Emieria when I clean out the barn in the mornings? - HELP! I have a surgery scheduled in 8 days and def. don't want to come down with anything.
BTW... the vet placed the doe ( she is 10 weeks old and super TINY) on antibiotics for 10 days and Corid for 5. I really hope that she pulls through. The other doe is showing no signs of anything.
Low and behold... 2 weeks later she is still coughing.. and now has diarriaha and a fever. I called the vet and they came out to my place- ran tests and confirmed that she has pneumonia.
* Side note question.....- do you think that the breeder should pay for some of that vet bill because she sold me her in this condition? ( I am sure that she was unaware of it- but still?
In addition to the Pneumonia - they said that because of stress related to the pneumonia she is now stricken with Emieria.
Can I catch Emieria when I clean out the barn in the mornings? - HELP! I have a surgery scheduled in 8 days and def. don't want to come down with anything.
BTW... the vet placed the doe ( she is 10 weeks old and super TINY) on antibiotics for 10 days and Corid for 5. I really hope that she pulls through. The other doe is showing no signs of anything.