we are getting a old mare for my daughter this week and i have a pen with wood post and cattle fencing about 25 x25 ft we use it for my daughters lambs my question is we live in utah where it gets snowy during the winter and this pen is open, no cover. so i was thinking, we have a frame to a carport the kind that came with the vinyl covering, we dont have the cover anymore but i do have very large pieces of a very heavy plastic(ag bag) anyways the poles aren't incredibly strong themselves we've had to weld several already from wind damage so we no longer use it for the cars but i was thinking if we move it to the back yard where it will get more wind protection it could be used as a quick cover for the fast approaching winter. so has anyone ever done this before or does anyone have any thoughts on if this could work or how to convert this thing into a barn. or if i could attach maybe plastic panels or very thin metal to it some how or even wood. or maybe fill the poles with some concrete or something. just lookin for ANY suggestions or ideas.