Exploring the pasture
Well finally started the process today, I remembered somewhere that I had read how some old timers use to give their pigs a few beers to calm them down when shipping them. Well I had made a 5 gallon pail of Grape Juice wine over the winter, took one bottle and mixed some in with some feed waited about 20 minutes and no kidding they were very calm and relaxed, not drunk just "mellowed" out.
Another thing I found out is the Scalpels you can buy at Tractor Supply the made in china ones were just about useless not sharp at all.
I have a few more to do tomorrow night, I ended up making a V type trough thing to hold the pigs in worked well and managed alone.
Thanks to all for the advice earlier.
Ken from Maine
Another thing I found out is the Scalpels you can buy at Tractor Supply the made in china ones were just about useless not sharp at all.
I have a few more to do tomorrow night, I ended up making a V type trough thing to hold the pigs in worked well and managed alone.
Thanks to all for the advice earlier.
Ken from Maine