Cinchy horse


Just born
Nov 11, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone! I was wondering what may be wrong, or not wrong with my mare. She is 6 and has ALWAYS had an attitude and had that type of personality but has never really done this too bad before. She has started biting at me or objects when I saddle her, and I’m not sure if it’s ulcers, or just attitude. She has bitten at me before but not often and not really when saddling. I’m not sure how she could get ulcers, she has been eating normally and hasn’t really had anything to stress her out. She’s putting on weight fine, and definitely does not have a lack of appetite, so the only real sign of ulcers would be her being cinchy, but like I said, it could be attitude, so I’m not sure. Any ideas?? If she’s just being lazy or bad obviously I will ride her and work her some but if she has ulcers, and she’s in pain I don’t want to ride her without knowing. And yes, my tack fits decent. It’s not custom fit, so it’s not perfect. But I have checked and it’s not a bad fit. The gullet is not too small/big and the bars fit her fine.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Had a clients mare start doing this and escalated to a point she started charging at people. Got a chiropractor out to work in her, literally dropped to a knee at one point. She was fine afterwards. I once had a mare stomp her foot while being shod and within 10 minutes, the muscles pulled back from her shoulder, her neck twisted and she couldn’t travel properly behind. It took 6 mo of vet bills before I finally found a horse chiro ( it wasn’t well known then). One treatment fixed her and she won her WPL class 2 weeks later. They can do weird things to themselves!
Usually this kind of behavior is a pain reaction. It could be skeletal, or even ulcers. I would definitely suspect something physical rather than behavioral
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Just born
Nov 11, 2024
Reaction score
Had a clients mare start doing this and escalated to a point she started charging at people. Got a chiropractor out to work in her, literally dropped to a knee at one point. She was fine afterwards. I once had a mare stomp her foot while being shod and within 10 minutes, the muscles pulled back from her shoulder, her neck twisted and she couldn’t travel properly behind. It took 6 mo of vet bills before I finally found a horse chiro ( it wasn’t well known then). One treatment fixed her and she won her WPL class 2 weeks later. They can do weird things to themselves!
Usually this kind of behavior is a pain reaction. It could be skeletal, or even ulcers. I would definitely suspect something physical rather than behavioral
I think I’ll start with ulcer guard, but she is definitely a crazy horse and always has been stubborn and difficult so.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Is she ridden on a regular basis? Is she handled daily? Is she stalled or kept in a pasture with shelter.

I no longer keep a riding horse because I don't feel I have the time or desire to handle, ride or groom on a regular basis. Horses will revert to their own "self" if no regular structure at that young age. So, that could explain her attitude.