Chillin' with the herd
HI! I have a beautiful yearling club lamb...although she isn't I still seem to call her a lamb. We bred her this last year and she had beautiful twins!! They are healthy and doing well. I sheared her today and her pen mate, another beautiful yearling hampshire(she delivered a healthy single). The shearing was slow(first time) but got done but while shearing our Iris(the first mentioned yearling) I accidentally knicked her shoulder not realizing she had a giant abscess there(her wool was about 3inches long). Green pasty pus came out and I mean a "ton". Amazlingly gross!!! I finished shearing her and then addressed the abscess...emptied it the best I could and treated it with Iodine and blue coat. I gave her a pcn subQ shot. I have never seen anything like this before...called my breeder, he said it looks like CL. After reading up on this CL, I am devastated!!! It truly fits all the signs. Now I am worried about our other yearling who is in the same pen with her. I knicked her while shearing her. I didn't know what her abscess was and/or how contagious it is. I disposed of all contaminated objects paper towels and such, but I am sure some of it got in the pen. Now I don't know what to do. Should I isolate both of them or should I take the "healthy" ewe out and isolate Iris?? We also have 13 lambs in the same barn...not the same pen. How do I keep everyone safe or is it too late...have I exposed everyone and condemned my barn in the process???