Cleft Palate?


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
I didn't want to post this in "Diseases," because, well, I don't really think it's a disease, nor am I looking for a cure or a fix for it. But I was taking pictures of my sheep, including random ones (lol) but when I uploaded this photo I noticed that Ali has a split in her upper dental pad? Could this be a form of a cleft palate? She's never had an issue eating, but it sure makes me wonder... I tried to research it a little bit, but nothing really came up. Has anyone ever seen or dealt with anything like this? These past couple of months is when I've really started to actually look at my sheep's mouths so I've never paid much attention to any of the other sheep I've been around. hmmmmmmm



Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Split could be the result of an injury, poor healing. To me a Cleft Palate
would incude the split going thru the whole gum, maybe including the
actual palate above her tongue. Of course there are degrees of
severity in a Cleft issue, from small splits on into major holes in the
upper palate that would make food or drink intake problems for the animal.

Maybe you could put this in "Blemish" as a catagory. In horses a blemish
disfigures an animal, but doesn't affect their usefulness in work or
production. Could be from an injury, scar, or maybe from birth, like a
wry tail (bent to one side all the time, though still swishable for bugs).
I don't think Cleft Palate is inherited, never heard that it was. Just
for some reason, the halves of the body don't connect properly or fully
before birth. Baby people get surgery to correct the Cleft problem, but
animals could be too expensive to fix.

Using the Blemish catagory, you could add other oddities as you come
across in the future.

A second catagory of "Faults" with weak body parts, might also be
helpful. Things one should look for to avoid in purchases of stock.
These could easily be inherited if you used these animals for breeding,
making for a weak animal or flock.

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