Herd Master
Looks like someone will be busy planting! What type of apple trees?
Glad your procedure went well @greybeard, and meds improved. I was thinking of you the other day as I sold the Gravely. I did get another Craftsman to tinker with. Now have a DGT6000 with 54" deck and 27hp Kohler to go along with the GT5000 without a deck and slightly smaller motor.
I plan to mow with the recent acquisition and put a cylinder that substitutes as a PTO off the rear to raise and lower the 3 pt hitch I'm gonna add to the GT5000. I also have a scoop style FEL for the front that will only lower and raise by a lever and be able to handle abt a wheelbarrow load or so of weight/content. It might even tolerate some snow pushing.
The backhoe will make real fast work of digging!