Loving the herd life
I purchased a lamancha doeling (about 8 months old now) a few months ago. When I got her she had a little bit of a runny nose but was otherwise healthy and I attributed it to the fact that she was in a really dusty older barn when I got her. I kept her separate from my herd for a few weeks and she was fine other than the runny nose stayed (thick gross snot started after I got her home) and I noticed a raspy cough. Finally the runny nose cleared up and I just put her in with the other ones. Now I have had her for a couple months and she still has a raspy cough (no runny nose anymore). Is there any way to clear it up and why won't it go away? Other than that she's a little small and my dominant female knocks her around a lot she does good. No other goats get sick. She has regular heat cycles (I don't want to breed her until I know her coughs nothing to be concerned about), a shiny coat, eats fine (when the bigger meaner ones are done), is friendly and seems happy and has buddied up with one other odd ball in my pen. Is there anything I can do or is it just one of those things?