Cut Hoof


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2009
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While I was out feeding my bottle babies I noticed one of my does not using one of her front feet. I checked it out and noticed that her hoof is cut from the back of the frog to the inside of her hoof. My plan of action is to clean is with soap and water then spray it with an anti-bacterial. Then I will start her on penicillin g Benzedrine and give her a shot of tetanus antitoxin. My question though is should I wrap it or leave is open. I also wondered if some kind of liquid band-aid would work or using little dads of super glue would work like stitches to close it and keep dirt from getting in. I don't want it to get infected or get hoof rot, so any advise is appreciated.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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chels said:
While I was out feeding my bottle babies I noticed one of my does not using one of her front feet. I checked it out and noticed that her hoof is cut from the back of the frog to the inside of her hoof.
Ouch, baby...very ouch. :(

My plan of action is to clean is with soap and water then spray it with an anti-bacterial. Then I will start her on penicillin g Benzedrine and give her a shot of tetanus antitoxin.
I'd never heard of benzedrine, so I looked it up. According to wikipedia, it sounds.....FUN! :lol:

Seriously, though...dunno what the purpose of benzedrine is here, but everything else sounds spot-on. :thumbsup

My question though is should I wrap it or leave is open. I also wondered if some kind of liquid band-aid would work or using little dads of super glue would work like stitches to close it and keep dirt from getting in. I don't want it to get infected or get hoof rot, so any advise is appreciated.
That's a tuffie..

On the one hand, you don't want it to get all impacted with mud and poop and debris, so wrapping it makes sense.

On the other hand, anaerobic bacteria scare the living sh*t out of me. Clostridials are all anaerobic...tetanus, botulism, c.dif... Fusobacterium are also anaerobic, and fusobacterium necrophorum is one of the biggies in foot rot..

If it were my goat, I'd probably try leaving it open.. If it became clear that leaving it open just wasn't feasible, I'd probably wrap it....but I'd probably also change the dressing and clean it up with regular frequency, allowing it to air out a bit at least everyday.

Actually, I might be looking at her as a candidate for a ncie dry stall with plenty of fresh straw for a while..


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2009
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Lol! The benzedrine was put in there by my spell check, its supposed to be penicillin benzathine which I think is long-lasting penicillin.
Right now it is pretty dry out, so I figured the hoof would stay cleaner out in the pasture and not in a stall. I thought I read some where that you can give goats aspirin for pain, but I'm not sure. I'm still looking for whatever cut her foot, but goats are goats and they climb on everything.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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chels24 said:
Lol! The benzedrine was put in there by my spell check, its supposed to be penicillin benzathine which I think is long-lasting penicillin.
Ah...well, that's a shame. :gig

Seems I've read stuff about the long-lasting pen, and it wasn't good stuff. Can't remember right off hand, but I always use Penicillin Procaine G..

Dosage is 1ml/15lbs SQ, 2x/day for 7-10 days.. Big needle, too...18ga is best. It's a suspension with big chunks of med that don't flow through smaller needles, so you end up with too much carrier and not enough med.

Right now it is pretty dry out, so I figured the hoof would stay cleaner out in the pasture and not in a stall. I thought I read some where that you can give goats aspirin for pain, but I'm not sure. I'm still looking for whatever cut her foot, but goats are goats and they climb on everything.
Aspirin is OK, but the dosage is apparently pretty's poorly absorbed by the rumen. If you can get ahold of some banamine or ketofen, that would be awesome. Vet might sell you a syringe of it for not a whole lot of money.

I've given a goat ibuprofen, too.. Not sure if it did much, but he didn't die from it. :p