Herd Master
Last night when I fed the chickens, I found my rooster on the roost poles during the day. That wasnt like him. A few days before I heard him breathing kind of raspy and thought maybe he was getting the upper respitory again he had had in January. The vet came out and diagnosed him with it and he got some antibiotics and got better.
I had noticed too that his combs,and wattles were kind of purple. I was going to take him to the vet tomorrow to get checked out but its too late. He was a great rooster, too. Never tried to flog me. No attitude. Would let you do anything to him. Gentle with the ladies.
All the other hens are fine. Im going to watch for any of them to have symptoms if this is contagious. I sure hope not.
The vet had asked the last time if any of the others were showing signs, but it was just him. I have hatched a few batches of eggs so it looks like Im going to have to choose a new rooster.