Loving the herd life
After some interest on another thread, I thought I'd start this up.
Any other distance riders out there?
Endurance: a race. The fastest horse in good condition is the winner. There is usually a separate Best Condition award which takes into account pulse recovery, weight carried, time finished, soundness, dehydration and other factors. Awards are usually given in weight divisions. Endurance rides are sanctioned by an international organization the American Endurance Ride Conference which governs rules in USA, Canada and Mexico. Rules are the same no matter where you compete. AERC also has its own national championships. The Arabian Horse Association and Appaloosa Horse Club also have their own internal awards and do their own championships. Distances range from 25-100 miles in one day or multi-day rides up to 300 miles in 6 days.
Competitive Trail: a timed event. Horses travel the trail at a set pace and riders all finish in more or less the same time. Too fast or too slow results in penalty points. Winner is determined by condition of horse: pulse, respiration, muscle soreness, attitude, soundness. Distances range from 12-50 miles in one day and up to 250 in multi-day rides. There is no national sanctioning organization, different regions have different rules. The closest thing to a "championship" is the Arabian Horse Association National Championship
Ride & Tie: Most popular on west coast. Two people, one horse in a relay. Person 1 runs, person 2 rides and passes person 1. Person 2 dismounts and ties horse. Person 1 catches up, mounts horse and passes person 2. Dismounts, ties horse, runs. Person 2 comes to horse, unties, rides past person 1 and on and on for 10-50 miles. I'm not as familiar with this so anyone???
Competitive Mounted Orienteering or CMO: Can be done individually or teams. Given map, compass and must pass through checkpoints in any order. All competitions are sanctioned by the NaCMO-National Competitive Mounted Orienteering Org.
Any specific questions anyone?
Any other distance riders out there?
Endurance: a race. The fastest horse in good condition is the winner. There is usually a separate Best Condition award which takes into account pulse recovery, weight carried, time finished, soundness, dehydration and other factors. Awards are usually given in weight divisions. Endurance rides are sanctioned by an international organization the American Endurance Ride Conference which governs rules in USA, Canada and Mexico. Rules are the same no matter where you compete. AERC also has its own national championships. The Arabian Horse Association and Appaloosa Horse Club also have their own internal awards and do their own championships. Distances range from 25-100 miles in one day or multi-day rides up to 300 miles in 6 days.
Competitive Trail: a timed event. Horses travel the trail at a set pace and riders all finish in more or less the same time. Too fast or too slow results in penalty points. Winner is determined by condition of horse: pulse, respiration, muscle soreness, attitude, soundness. Distances range from 12-50 miles in one day and up to 250 in multi-day rides. There is no national sanctioning organization, different regions have different rules. The closest thing to a "championship" is the Arabian Horse Association National Championship
Ride & Tie: Most popular on west coast. Two people, one horse in a relay. Person 1 runs, person 2 rides and passes person 1. Person 2 dismounts and ties horse. Person 1 catches up, mounts horse and passes person 2. Dismounts, ties horse, runs. Person 2 comes to horse, unties, rides past person 1 and on and on for 10-50 miles. I'm not as familiar with this so anyone???
Competitive Mounted Orienteering or CMO: Can be done individually or teams. Given map, compass and must pass through checkpoints in any order. All competitions are sanctioned by the NaCMO-National Competitive Mounted Orienteering Org.
Any specific questions anyone?