Marsha Kay
Just born
I have a 6 month old Florida White that started growling at me. Everyone I talked to said she might want to be bred so I tried putting her in with a buck. He is more than willing to give breeding a try but she just doesn't let him complete the act. She lets him get in place but before he finishes the act she hops away. She is not aggressive to him so I thought maybe she was playing hard to get. I left them together for 2 hours but they just seem to tire each other out. Neither seem over weight. They just eventually lay down together and rest after he chases her and tries to mount her for 90 minutes.
I plan to keep trying weekly but I was wondering if anyone had ideas to speed up the process. I'm afraid to leave them together alone because I won't know when she's been bred and I don't want them to end up fighting. I tried to hold her in position but he seems shy and won't mount her when I'm holding her. I have also tried switching cages overnight so they could get used to each other's scents but she still plays hard to get.
I plan to keep trying weekly but I was wondering if anyone had ideas to speed up the process. I'm afraid to leave them together alone because I won't know when she's been bred and I don't want them to end up fighting. I tried to hold her in position but he seems shy and won't mount her when I'm holding her. I have also tried switching cages overnight so they could get used to each other's scents but she still plays hard to get.