Donkey not feeling well


Exploring the pasture
Oct 29, 2011
Reaction score
Quinlan, TX
She is not eating any of her treats. Seems depressed and lethargic. Her baby died about 2 weeks ago (I suspect pneumonia - but I am not a donkey person.) I'm afraid she has pneumonia too. I have one nubian goat with pneumonia right now.

Dolly was just supposed to be a pasture ornament, but my neighbors decided to get a jack - which immediately jumped the fence. :( Her baby was born Sept. 27 and died on Oct. 21. Again, I am not a donkey person. It was one of those times when I was leaving early to work and coming in late and just didn't pay attention. Now I think Dolly may be in trouble.


Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Best to call the Vet and have them look at her. She could have an infection from retained
afterbirth or pneumonia as you said. Donkey's will get sick easier if they get damp and can't
get dry, especially foals. Sorry about losing the baby donkey.

If this is related to her foaling, I would give the neighbors the Vet bill for having a loose Jack. Damages
charge for loose roaming Jack, same as if he had torn up your yard and landscaping and you got it repaired.
If he comes visiting again, there is a Vet shot so she will abort the foal if you get it done IMMEDIATELY
after breeding. And I would bill the neighbors again, because you wouldn't need this done if
Jack had been kept home.

If they laugh it off, file in Small Claims Court for what is owed you. I would also file a complaint with
Animal Control about not keeping the Jack properly restrained. Probably are some OLD laws still on
the books that cover this issue. Donkey Jacks can be more dangerous than Stallions, they have no
quit to them.

I would NOT WAIT to get the Vet involved, call right away. What you describe could go real bad for her
with either of the reasons I named above, and go bad quickly.


Exploring the pasture
Oct 29, 2011
Reaction score
Quinlan, TX
Her temp yesterday and today is 99.7. I did give her two shots (yesterday and today) of procaine g. She is laying down and rolling over on her then stands up and walks a bit. Colic maybe?


Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Not familiar with Procaine, but a search told me several conflicting pieces of information
about using it. Have you read the information totally that comes with the medication?
Or are you just guessing and using it because you have it on hand? Few owners give
medications as the instructions direct, quit too soon, give the wrong meds for the problem
being presented. They are NOT VETS, just guessing to save the cost of a visit.

Doesn't sound like donkey is improving. Now with colic type signs showing, you are running
out of time for helpful meds to work on the issue before she gets into the "not fixable" stages.

Anyone diagnosing over the Internet is GUESSING, and can only go by the details you give.
If you don't notice or relate some information bit, we guess wrong. You are wasting fixable time
for the donkey!

You need to get the Vet out to do a visual inspection or hands-on for the best solution to the
problem. Serious issues do not resolve themselves, the animal dies. Most issues are MUCH
easier to fix by getting treatment when first noticed, with better success rates in recovery.